Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ontario Journal - Killbear Provincial Park

We planned to go to Huntsville, On to stay for two nights near the entrance of Algonquin Provincial Park but we reckoned without the G8 meeting being held in Huntsville this coming weekend. There were no rooms to be had anywhere and one of the rangers at a local (Otter Lake area) park told us that security in the Huntsville area was not to be believed.  So we stayed where we were on Otter LaKe for two more nights and drove north to Killbear instead.

There are several stories about how Killbear Point got it's name. The one thaqt is probably closest to the truth is that is is a corruption of the Native name. However there are two other stories, both of which involve loggers. One states that the point is where a logger killed a bear. The other, and my personal favorite, is where the bear got the logger.

Below is an Inuksuk, a stone icon built originally by the Northern Native Americans. They are mostly seen along roads (including super highways), paths, and woodland and water trails. The one pictured here was not only on the trail that edged the shore but would also guarded the boat channel which was nearby. They are said to protect travelers, provide good hunting and help find safe shelter.

1 comment:

Chris said...

That's really interesting! Chris

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry Davis Thoreau